How will the virtual WHRC Plant Sale work?

It will work like a restaurant’s curbside pick-up.  Send us your plant order, including a 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice of 15-minute intervals times for pick-up on Saturday May 2, between 9am and 2pm.  This will allow us to spread out pick-ups, so that not too many people come at one time.  We will send you confirmation email, letting you know in which time interval you can pick up your order, confirm the plants of your order that we can provide (some sell out quickly), and amount due.  We will place orders at the White Hall Ruritan Club Building, at a proper social distance, at the assigned time with your name clearly visible. 

We will have bags of composted manure (which you can also order) in a pile, so you can pick-up what you ordered.   (Provided by our friend and neighbor Early Dawn Dairy.)

We ask that you bring as few people as possible to pick up your order and that you maintain a proper social distance.   Because of social disancing guidelines, we unfortunately cannot help load this year.  Please leave your check for the amount due, made out to WHRC, in the white donation mailbox on the sign near the entry. 


So that we have time to prepare your order, please send your order to NO LATER THAN THURSDAY APRIL 30.   Earlier would be appreciated.  Whoever gets their order in first, gets their plant selection on items of limited quantities.   Below are links to:

  • a catalogue showing pictures and providing brief descriptions of each plant.
  • a menu of the plants we have available, with prices;
  • an order form to be emailed to us at  (If you have trouble with the form, just send us an email.) 

Have fun in your gardens – and stay safe!


Plant Sale Catalogue

WHRC Plant Menu Excel
WHRC Plant Menu pdf

WHRC Plant Order Form Excel (Preferred)
WHRC Plant Order Form pdf